Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial weekend and other stuff

These pictures are from the last two weeks.  There are a lot, just to warn you.

Last weekend, we grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken wings.  The wings are a little spicy but Addy can handle it.  She loved them!

Friday, May 16, 2014

What we ate this week, a recipe, and a tip

Here's what we ate this week (we are trying our best to not eat out!).  We actually made a goal at the beginning of April to not eat out the whole month, and we did really well!  (I didn't say we were successful because the girls and I got a $5.00 Little Caesar's Pizza at the very end of the month because we went to the park and it was a treat).  But, $5.00 isn't too bad.

I know this isn't April, but Jared and I are making that goal again (in the middle of May).  So, I wanted to keep track of what we're eating and post some recipes.

I have a few recipes on this blog already.  I started a recipe notebook awhile ago, but then thought that this blog would be a great place to store them.  That way I can easily access it, as well as the girls when they get older, and in the process, I can share our favorite recipes.  And, I can include pictures!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The work of His hands

It's been rainy and cold and dreary the past couple of days.  And just last week I posted about the girls playing outside in the sprinkler because it was so hot!

Because it's been yucky outside, maybe some lovely, warm weather pictures will brighten your mood!  And if it's not raining outside, then maybe some lovely, warm weather pictures will still brighten your mood!

So, without further ado, here's just some every day stuff that goes on around here.

We love to go on walks.  The outskirts of our neighborhood are beautiful - beautiful trees, hills in the distance, horses.  Sometimes cows.

I guess the cows are beautiful, too.  In their own way.  Sorry, I don't have any pictures of cows, though.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sprinkler and cookies...is it really already summer?

It's barely May and we already broke out the sprinkler.

I'm not looking forward to our water bill this summer.  Or our electric bill.  And our summer is apparently planning to last a good 4 months.  Ugh.

Oh well.  It is what it is.