I love this time of year with everyone talking about their favorite books of the year and what they're looking forward to reading for the coming year. This year I'm going to attempt one challenge: the Back to the Classics Challenge. Here are my tentative picks:
1. A 19th century classic: Great Expectations by Dickens (1860-61)
2. A 20th century classic: Howard's End by Forster (1910); I am determined to read at least one book with the Close Reads podcast this year.
3. A classic by a woman author: Little Women by Alcott (never read!)
4. A classic in translation: The Cross by Undset; this is the third book of the Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy. I read the first two in 2016.
5. A children's classic: The Jungle Book by Kipling; I have lots of options here. We'll read aloud many children's classics throughout the year.
6. A classic crime story, fiction or nonfiction: The Hound of Baskervilles by Doyle
7. A classic travel or journey narrative, fiction or nonfiction: Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Lansing
8. A classic with a single-word title: Emma by Austen
9. A classic with a color in the title: The Woman in White by Collins
10. A classic by an author that's new to you: Wuthering Heights by Bronte
11. A classic that scares you: The Odyssey by Homer
12. Re-read a favorite classic: Till We Have Faces or The Great Divorce by Lewis
Happy Reading!